Special Presentation: The Creek Story of Tulsa
From Tallassee, AL to Tulsey, I.T.: The Creek Story of Tulsa
Presentation by J.D. Colbert
Saturday, April 23rd, 11:00 AM
It is widely believed that the history of Tulsa only dates to 1882 with the arrival of the Frisco railroad in Tulsa. However, the history of Tulsa can actually be traced to the arrival of DeSoto at Talisi (present day Tallassee, AL) in 1541. As such, the City of Tulsa may be said to be one of the oldest cities on the North American continent.
This presentation, From Tallassee, AL to Tulsey, I.T., will tell this rich, but mostly unknown, early history of Tulsa. It is the story of the Creek founders of Tulsa-the Locvpokv Creek tribal town- and is set against the backdrop of monumental events such as the tidal wave of European immigrants to the Creek homelands in present day Georgia, Alabama and Florida; the Creek Civil War; the Trail of Tears, the U.S. Civil War; the Dawes Allotment Act and the transition of Tulsa from Creek town to Oil Capital of the World.
This special presentation will be conducted by Mr. J.D. Colbert (Muscogee-Creek/Chickasaw) one of the nation’s most recognized and foremost expert on matters related to the economic development of Indian tribes. Mr. Colbert served a White House appointment to the Board of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund at the U.S. Treasury and he has actively assisted many Indian tribes and Native groups to start Community Development Financial Institutions.