Our services are restricted to preserving material that in our judgment shouldn’t disappear from the Internet. We buy domains that expire that once hosted valuable and informative content and restore that content. In this way, we keep Internet content accessible to all. So valuable historical information is still available. For those whose history runs to using a public library, we think of it as retrieving books from the trash and placing them back on the library shelves.

If you do have an interest in the legal services historically provided by the Foster Pepper law firm, or want to check into services offered by its successor, we list a few below.

  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  • Business & Tax
  • Construction
  • Employment & Labor Relations
  • Financial Institutions
  • Government Services
  • Intellectual Property
  • Public Finance
  • Public Service

Regarding services available to Native Americans that firm deeply values its relationships with Native communities, and recognize the importance of enhancing the opportunities and well-being of every member of the communities it serves.

In addition to providing a broad range of traditional legal services, the law firm offers educational programs, pro bono assistance, and legal training to his  clients in the Northwest, Alaska, and nationally.

If you would like to get more information about the services offered by the previous law firm, please click on the link in the banner on every page.